The overall Light rail stop embodies electroliquid aggregation by combining the two concepts of Dieste and Alexander. Through this an embodiment of a light freeform structure was developed to mimic the theories of Simplicity and Integrity and Space has a role.
The light rail embodies the concepts of Simplicity and Integrity and Space has a role as when in combination they allow for electro liquid aggregation to occur. Neither one sufficient on its own however when in combination it allows for great design.
Through the use of light medium and dark textures key elements such as facades and walkways can be highlighted. Details including ticket machines can also have attention drawn to them by applying a heavy dark texture.
Concept Statements:
Eladio Dieste and Christopher Alexander where contradicting architects who both fought to achieve great architecture.
Alexander and the concept of Simplicity and integrity complement each other due to the nature of his work. Through this concept an elegant and light feel is able to be adapted to architecture and design. This allows the design to have clean and clear characteristics which define it. It focuses on the positives space or what is there rather than the negative space or what is not there.
Deiste and the concept of Space has a role indicates the opposite, the concept is more forceful indicating that even when there is no design it still must play a part in the final product. Allowing for detail and boldness as well as some rigidity to allow the designs to mimic the concept.
Electroliquid Aggregation can then be applied to the concepts of Simplicity and integrity and Space has a role to create a surrounding, vision and purpose for the design. Each concept is good one it own however it is not until the two recombined in which a new vision, style and design concept entity can be created and envisioned.
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